Significance of the year 1945:
Aquarian brothers,
Thank you for highlighting the significance of these constellations, the
100 year period of Leo, Capricorn, and Pisces 1875-1975 and their special alignment
and indeed their purpose for alignment and triangulation of energies. What more significant event or occurrence could serve
to underline the stupendous significance of the year 1945?
In my mind I could not emphasis enough just how highly important it was
that humanity won the spiritual day and moved forward with the sun into the Aquarian consciousness. We must ask, could this
have happened were it not for the triangulation of these constellations, which had only happened twice before at highly important
epochs? The first being the initiating of the coming in of the sons of mind.
What greater significant and spiritual event ever took place upon this
planet! This serves to underline does it not the enormity of the event of the inauguration of the Aquarian Christ and the
entering upon his duties and responsibilities at the time of 1945. This the only third occasion of which such an alignment
As S so succinctly points out, when will this occur again? We have to
ask in what epoch? Certainly not in as close a proximity to 1945 as 2117. No this is entirely without foundation or credibility.
Bare in mind that AUM/USR state that it is entirely un-tenable and coincidental for the 1914-1945 WW to end when it did, at
the inaugurating of a new age.
This statement is implicit in the understanding or shall we say miss understanding
of the initiating effect that constellations bring to humanity at moments of crisis which are in effect ones of spiritual
crisis. For myself, I still cannot believe that such a careless statement could be made. The initiation for humanity into
such a new age, with the dark brothers largely defeated and the Great White Lodge for the first time in an age able to even
consider its outer manifestation was I submit, of such earth shattering importance I am myself left reeling at the implications
of the great turning point of 1945.
Leo, Capricorn and Pisces: DK communicates that indeed, only twice before, three times in total,
has this intensification of vibration occurred. Such is the unique occurrence if this quickening. We were shown by S that
this cycle existed for a 100-year cycle. I wonder if the same time span may be applied to the previous two cycles.
That is, for the coming in of the lords of flame during the Lemurian period
this event which produced much destruction of animal forms but working out upon the mental plane endureing for a period of
an occult 100 year cycle, with the same time frame theoretically for the Atlantean flood period.
I propose, that these two previous occurrences happened with that 100
year time span and also at the beginning of the ages so mentioned by DK, the fourth energy/sign.
We have: Three Significant Events.
In the earlier activity, the fourth active constellation was Gemini and
in the Atlantean it was Sagittarius.
The emerging energy of Aquarius. EA 538.
The coming in of the lords of flame during a 100-year cycle commencing
with the emerging energy of Gemini.
The destruction of humanity releasing the indwelling life during a 100-year
cycle commencing with the emerging energy of Sagittarius.
Interestingly there is a double whammy regarding Leo as it relates to
the eleventh Aquarian house and the emerging Aquarian age giving us.... JPC.
The underlying spirit of freedom will triumph as it is organized into
revolt against slavery. To this end, the seventh ray will increasingly make contribution. EA 541.
Esoteric Astrology - Three Major Constellations and the Zodiac - Leo,
Capricorn and Pisces
The "stars in their courses" will aid humanity or bring destruction, according
to human determinations. Men can achieve liberty and organize for the New Age with its unique civilization and constructive
synthesis, or they can commit suicide (if I may speak symbolically) and hand over their immediate future to the forces of
evil and of death. These work for the death of all the true values and of all for which the human spirit has fought.The self-consciousness
aspect of the human being is [542] being steadily expanded under this major interplay and through the forces transmitted by
Uranus, via the eleventh house, and will ultimately give place to group consciousness and group relationships and group work.
Hence the trend towards amalgamation today, towards federation, spheres of action and the many groups which distinguish increasingly
human intercourse. The group spirit and the forms through which it will express itself are being increasingly demonstrated
and this constitutes a veritable initiation for the race.
It is the emergence of the glory of the human spirit in a more definite
and arresting way and involves an orientation towards freedom which will later stand in the historical records as the outstanding
characteristic of this age of major conflict. Humanity is today participating in the preparatory tests for initiation, the
initiation of the world disciple. Great is your privilege to be taking part in this. Forget not that eleven is the number
of the Initiate and that today it is the eleventh house which is so dominant; forget not that Aquarius, the eleventh sign,
is the sign of universal relationships, interplay and consciousness. For all this, the combination of signs, Leo, Capricorn
and Pisces - is preparing the race. The evil men who guided the destiny
of Germany talked of world groups and of the European Order of Nations but it was a grouping around Germany as the center
and for the selfish interests of Germany. The grouping which is a part of the divine Plan is not around any one nation but
a grouping based on the ideal of brotherhood, on the will-to-good and on the freedom of the whole. One expresses a selfish
materialistic distortion and the other a spiritual objective.
Capricorn is related, as you have been told, to initiation; [543] it is
also the sign of the coming world Savior and these higher aspects of the Capricornian influences can be potently demonstrated
if humanity so wills it and will take advantage of the Venusian influence to use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose.
If this does not take place, the present situation will turn into something far worse - a situation wherein the mass of men
will be "reinitiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light." A dark period of civilization
will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate's own nature illumines the darkness and
so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of
the "lighted Way." The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the
Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light, the manifestation
of the soul nature and the recognition of the "light which is found in the eye of the Bull."
Such are the possibilities confronting the world of men today; the issue
is dependent upon the final triumph of the Forces of Light (working through the Allied nations) or on the control of the forces
of materialism. Germany represented materialism in the West and Japan in the East. I would also add that those who in both
nations (and there are many such) represent the "lighted Way" were so imprisoned in their environment and so dominated in
their personalities by the thought-forms of their powerful rulers that for them right action was impossible. It is this thought
which prompts the Hierarchy to renewed effort. The Forces of Light recognize and work for the spiritual good of all people,
irrespective of their national relations. They are [544] working for the release of Germany from the glamor which descended
upon her people. The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed
leaders in all branches of the government. The latter are "shells," obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed
potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous
falsity of their propaganda. They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking
the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up
to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race. EA 544.
JPC. April 2006.
Jeremy Condick.